Prayer can be done in many ways and on many levels: personally in your inner room, in your family, with a regular prayer partner (a ‘prayer duo’), in your congregation or cell group, in your city or region, nationally or internationally. Each of these levels is important. Pray4belgium focuses more on national and regional prayer, but wants to support and encourage all other initiatives as well.
Up till now we have organised a whole series of actions: prayer marches in Brussels (2004-2009), seminars with prayer leaders from abroad (1999-2019), the Global Day of Prayer (on Pentecost, 2005-2015), the National Day of Prayer (end of April, 2012-2020), one-time prayer actions on strategic places in the country, monthly ‘Tabernacle of David’ (intense worship and intercession, 2008-2020)…
Here is an overview of recurring or ongoing prayer activities (that we organise or have organised ourselves, or that are organised by others and that we support).
For current information on concrete prayer activities, see the news section or our Facebook-page.
A prayer chain 24/7

We probably don’t need to explain to you that prayer is (vitally) important. And yet it has come under a lot of pressure in our hectic society, and too often drops down our list of priorities. This is why Pray4belgium (Gebedsnetwerk) started a prayer chain in 2009, with the aim of mobilizing prayer for specific needs and issues in our country. In 2020 we have made a complete new start with this prayer chain, both in terms of content and method (e.g. we work with the ‘seven mountains’ where you can choose which sphere of society you want to pray for). The purpose is to give the greatest number of Christians the chance to stand in the gap on behalf of our country. By participating, you will become a link in a long chain of faithful intercessors, and so you can be a blessing for Belgium.
Read more…

… is a network of prayer and unity in Brussels.
Pray4brussels seeks to mobilise prayer and to coordinate it in and for the city of Brussels. Brussels is becoming more and more a metropolis and an international crossroads : NATO, the EU and many international institutions have their headquarters here. It is a very strategic city, but also has an awful lot of spiritual need. International teams come regularly to Brussels to pray, and we welcome them with open arms. However, we also want to create a platform among the many churches in Brussels to pray together and strengthen each other in this task. Read more…

As a Belgian prayer movement we have been involved with several reconciliation processes since 2003, both on a national and international level. The most important of these is the “Europe-Africa Reconciliation Process” (EARP): we are convinced that European countries that had colonies in Africa (and in the rest of the world) were guilty of much injustice and should officially and publically confess their sins and ask for forgiveness. This should be done both for the liberation of those oppressed countries as well as for our own spiritual healing. In a nutshell, Belgium has much to make up for in its relationship with Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. Read more…
Other activities:
(most of these function in Dutch, but not always in English or French)
- One-off prayer events, e.g. before elections or important legislative proposals, prayer walks at strategic locations.
- The international Week of Prayer in January (an initiative of the European Evangelical Alliance)
- Provincial prayer evenings for leaders: usually at the end of the week of prayer in January (initiative of Prayer Platform Flanders, EAV).
- Night of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (initiative of Open Doors), usually on a Friday evening one week after Pentecost.
- 30 Days of Muslim Prayer Focus: during Ramadan, millions of Christians pray for Muslims.
- October has been our regular prayer month for many years.
- We also support and promote ‘City Prayer’: all Christian leaders of a city meet monthly to pray for their city. Read the article about ‘City Church‘.
Pray4belgium wants to work together with all other prayer initiatives in our country, and also promote their information and activities. Please contact us.