24h prayer for the elections: 7-8 June Brussels

The second 24h prayer meeting for the elections will be held in Brussels on 7-8 June (7pm – 7pm), led by various churches, organisations and prayer leaders: from Friday 7 June 7pm, to Saturday 8 June 7pm – at Grand-Place 28, Brussels

You are free to come for one hour or one slot or several. Some slots will be led in Dutch, others in French, but everything will be translated into English. You are also invited to join the fast. The schedule of themes, prayer leaders and languages can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/156ChK4-f5GVkajWmL-jwD16OCyHNKdZfaWbYfOoVzXU/edit#gid=2134370968

This time you can also join online via livestream: https://youtube.com/live/UllnOvn00IM

More info? prayer.elections2024@gmail.com